segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008

Nova versão dos painéis de LED interactivos(PORQUE JÁ NÃO PUNHA NADA COM LEDs Á UMAS SEMANAS)

O EvilMadScientist apresentou uma nova versão dos seus painés com LEDs interactivos.

Our new circuit board panels are black, 12″ x 12″(~30.5 cm) square, with 80 superbright white LEDs arranged on a regular grid. Each circuit board panel has four motion sensor nodes, each of which controls 20 of the LEDs. So, a 6-panel setup covers six square feet of area (1×6 or 2×3), has 24 sensors and 480 LEDs, while an 8-panel version has 32 sensor nodes and 640 LEDs. We have also added new plug-in plug-out connectors to each board edge making it easy to reconfigure the panels in any rectangular arrangement.

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